About the Lagotto Romagnolo Breed
The Lagotto Romagnolo, believed to be one of the most ancient breeds of water dogs and a possible the ancestor of all water dogs, standing out with a small to medium size and distinctive curly, water-resistant coat. Originating from the regions of Venice and Romagna, the name "Lagotto" translates to "duck dog" in the local dialect, highlighting the breed's historical role in waterfowl retrieval. Respected Romagnolo expert Gilberto Grandi famously likened the Lagotto to the Italian counterpart of the Irish Water Spaniel, emphasizing its unique heritage and skill set. With their keen instincts and playful nature, Lagottos are not only remarkable working dogs but also affectionate companions, making them a cherished breed among dog enthusiasts. Their rich history and unwavering loyalty continue to captivate those who appreciate the special bond between humans and dogs.The Lagotto Romagnolo is an ancient Italian breed that has a rich history rooted in the marshlands of Ravenna and the lowlands of Comacchio in the Romagna region. Originally bred as a hunting dog and water retriever, the Lagotto's name derives from the Italian word "lago," meaning "lake." Its lineage can be traced back to at least 1474 A.D. As the marshlands were drained and transformed into farmland in the late 19th century, the breed faced a significant shift in its role. With their exceptional sense of smell and instinctive tracking abilities, Lagottos adapted to new tasks, including truffle hunting. Their intelligence and versatility make them not only skilled foragers but also beloved companions, blending their rich heritage with a modern purpose. The Lagotto’s rich history as a truffle-hunting dog aligned perfectly with our love for the outdoors, foraging for native plants & mushrooms, and our joy of exploring new places. With the Lagotto's keen senses and natural agility, they are proven to be very efficient in truffle hunting and are the only dogs bred for truffle hunting.
By the 1920’s the breed was diminishing, with little interest in renewing this ancient breed. It wasn't until the 1970’s with just a few Lagotto’s remaining some Romagnan enthusiasts (Quintino Toschi, Prof. Francesco Ballotta, Dr. Antonio Morsiani, and Lodovico Babini) decided to reestablish the dog as a recognized breed. In 1988 they established C.I.L (Club Italiano Lagotto), and in 1995 the breed was officially recognized by the F.C.I. In 2015, the American Kennel formally recognized the Lagotto Romagnolo as a breed part of the sporting group.
Over the past decade, significant progress has been made globally enhancing the temperament of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed. Originally prized for their skills as hunting and truffle dogs, these charming canines have seamlessly transitioned into beloved family pets. However, it is key to remember that their history also includes a role as diligent watchdogs, particularly around fishing boats. This instinct to bark is deeply ingrained in their cultural significance and nature, reflecting their protective tendency. They continue to be celebrated for their friendly demeanor and versatility, Lagottos are very intelligent with a high capacity and scope of master many hunting expertise, be it sport, scent, agility or truffle hunting and their vigilant guardianship remains, making them cherished companions in many households around the world. Their rich heritage contributes to their overall character, ensuring that they thrive in family settings as cherished companion pets and highly reliable watchdogs.

Lagotto Breed Standards & Traits
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a well-proportioned, small to medium-sized dog that is powerfully built and has a rustic appearance. Lagotti have a dense, double curly coat of woolly texture. The Lagotto should give the impression that he has the strength and endurance to work all day in difficult and challenging terrain.
Temperament: Affectionate, devoted, loyal, and loving. Lagotti are a working and sporting dog requiring exercise. They are easy to train and eager to please. Working or playing, they can concentrate on the task at hand. Due to their alert nature, they make good watchdogs, but not suitable for being guard dogs. They are a non-aggressive breed. They enjoy the company of other dogs and pets and are good around children as long as they are socialized from an early age.
Traits: Dependable, clever, loving, loyal, affectionate, agile, obedient, happy & friendly.
Color: Solid white, solid off-white, solid orange, solid brown, white with orange markings, white with brown markings, roan, brown with tan markings. While a brown puppy may be almost black when young, solid black or black markings are an unacceptable color.
Height: Males: 17 – 19 inches; Females: 14 – 18 inches
Weight: Males: 29 – 35 lbs.; Females: 24 – 32 lbs
Life Span: 12 – 16 years
Coat: Its double coat has a wooly texture, rough surface, thick, ring-shaped curls evenly distributed all over the body except the head where the curls are less tight and form eyebrows, whiskers, and a beard.
Grooming: The Lagotto has hair rather than fur, which makes them a great choice for people with allergies. Their coat is best kept at about 1 to 1.5 ” in length. The signature look of the Lagotto is tight curls fitting the body. Lagotto is shown as natural and rustic (no blowing or fluffing), having the appearance of a working dog ready to work! The hairs from the ear canal should be gently plucked out regularly. Some coats mat easier than others. Contact us for detailed grooming resources.
Is the Lagotto Romagnolo the right breed for you?
The Good
The Good-to-Know
Things to KNOW about the breed!!
Lagotto Romagnolo has a longer average life span. Although this is dependent on several factors, in general, Lagotto Romagnolo lives on average 14-16 years.
Lagotto Romagnolo are highly intelligent dogs. If you find what motivates them and spend time training them, Lagotto Romagnolo learns basic commands and tricks quickly.
Lagotto Romagnolo are loyal to their family pack. They love their owners and always love to be around their owners.
Lagotto Romagnolo has a loving and friendly personality. Although this differs from dog to dog, Lagotto Romagnolo gets along with most people (children and adults), other dogs, and other pets.
Lagotto Romagnolo has an amazing sense of smell. If you want to truffle hunt or do scent/nose work competitions, the Lagotto Romagnolo may be the right breed of dog for you. They also do very well at other skilled competitions, like agility and dock jumping.
Lagotto Romagnolo is a very active and energetic breed. If you have an active lifestyle, your future Lagotto would make an excellent adventure partner.
They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the water and to swim!!
As their breed name suggest, Italian Water or Lake Dog.
Lagotto Romagnolo are intelligent dogs that are a working dog. They need mental and physical exercise. If they are bored, they love to explore and create their own destructive fun to entertain their curious minds. Spending the time to train your Lagotto Romagnolo will save you from a lot of frustrating moments
Lagotto Romagnolo becomes attached to their family pack. They don't like to be away from their family for long periods.
Lagotto Romagnolo can be reserved dogs and alert barking dogs. They may need to spend time with new people before they can become friends.
Lagotto Romagnolo are amazing diggers, which may not be the best for your gardens. Again, if you spend time training your dogs when it is an appropriate time to dig, you, your garden, and your Lagotto will be extremely happy.
If you do not have an active lifestyle or do not have a lot of time to dedicate time to mentally and physically stimulating your Lagotto, you will run into some boredom and misbehavior issues. Lagotti are working dogs and need to have exercise and have a job to do. Since they are intelligent, they are naturally inquisitive, which could cause some issues if bored.
Lagotto Romagnolo is prone to illnesses like dental issues, cataracts, and cancer like most dogs
Lagotto Romagnolo Highlights
The Lagotto Romagnolo is truly a remarkable breed, distinguished not only by their playful curly coats and striking appearance but also by their delightful temperament and playful spirits. From the second we met Malla, our first Lagotto puppy, we were captivated by her sweet playful nature, fluffy puppy coat, intelligence, courageousness, manners, and affectionate demeanor. It was as if we had found our perfect match and we felt that instant magical bond between her and ourselves. Our experiences with Lagottos since that day has been a fun journey and shown us their incredible adaptability, effortlessly drive and motivation, their wild spirit, and smooth transitioning from lively playmates to calm and loving family members. Being a hunting breed they can be full of sparkle and energy, but thankfully they also have an “off” switch and love to spend lots of down time just being little cuddly monsters. Our Lagottos has brought immense joy and warmth into our lives, and we have seen how profoundly they bond and genuinely connect with their family. Their intuitive nature and eagerness to please make them exceptional companions, and it's clear why we wholeheartedly love and want to share this ancient and extraordinary breed with others.